Research keywords (3):
lipoprotein glomerulopathy
, dyslipidemia
, kidney disease
Papers (29):
Maeda T, Yoshimura C, Takahashi K, Ito K, Yasuno T, Abe Y, Masutani K, Nakashima H, Mukoubara S, Arima H. Usefulness of the blood pressure classification in the new 2017 ACC/AHA hypertension guidelines for the prediction of new-onset chronic kidney disease. Journal of Human Hypertension. 2019. 33. 12. 873-878
斉藤喬雄, 中島 衡, 笹冨, 佳, 安部 泰弘, 伊藤建二, 医学部, 研究者番, 伊藤 建二. Elucidation of the interaction between abnormalities of apolipo- protein E and Fc receptors on the development of lipoprotein glomerulopathy. 科学研究費助成事業(科学研究費補助金)研究成果報告書(基盤研究(C)、2009〜2011、仮題番号21591049). 2012. 1-5
Diagnosis of lysosome disease using ultrastructural examination
(The 3rd international symposium on TGCV 2015)
Functional analysis of iPSC-derived myocytes from a patient with carnitine palmitoyltransferase II deficiency
(ASN KIDNEY WEEK 2014 2014)
(第12回日本臨床腫瘍学会学術集会 2014)
Glomerular lipidosis associated with massive macrophages infiltration in a patient with apo E phenotype E3/3
(WCN 2013 Satellite Symposium "Kidney and Lipids" 2013)