J-GLOBAL ID:201001039468481998   Update date: Aug. 22, 2022

Katada Kyohei

カタダ キョウヘイ | Katada Kyohei
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (2): Civil engineering (planning and transportation) ,  Sociology
Research keywords  (1): パブリック・インボルブメント
MISC (5):
  • KATADA Kyohei. Sydney Monorail Abolition and Light Rail Expansion Plan. Transportation & Economy. 2012. 72. 10. 96-97
  • KATADA Kyohei. Continued Issues Following Australian Airport Privatization: Focus on Local Government Involvement in Land Use Planning. Transportation & Economy. 2011. 71. 4. 88-96
  • An investigation on the decision-making process of the municipal government concerned with the outer ring road project in the metropolitan area: a case study based on the interdependent model of the central-local governments. Journal of urban policy studies. 2010. 4. 87-116
  • “SOHO CITYみたか” 構想の形成過程. グローバル都市研究. 2009. 2. 85-94
  • A study of the introduction of public involvement for the national-level road project: a case study in Tokyo Outer Ring Road. Journal of urban science. 2008. 2. 5-13
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(都市科学) (首都大学東京)
Association Membership(s) (3):
JAPAN ASSOCIATION FOR PLANNING ADMINISTRATION ,  The Japan Society of Transportation Economics ,  日本都市社会学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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