- 2011/09/26 - 2012/09/25 Visiting Professor at the Department of Digital Humanities, King's College London
- 2011/04/01 - Professor at the Department of Media Technology, College of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
- 2007/04/01 - 2011/03/31 Associate professor at the Department of Media Technology, College of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
- 2006/10/01 - 2008/03/31 Part-time lecturer, Faculty of Culture and Information Science, Doshisha University
- 2004/04/01 - 2007/03/31 Associate professor at the Department of Media Technology, College of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
- 2003/10/01 - 2004/03/31 Part-time lecturer, Faculty of Science and Technology, Ryukoku University
- 2002/04/01 - 2004/03/31 Associate professor at the Department of Computer Science, College of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
- 2001/04/01 - 2002/03/31 Postdoctoral researcher of the CREST program, Japan Science and Technology Corporation (JST)
- 2000/10/01 - 2001/03/31 Postdoctoral visiting scholar, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)
- 2000/10/01 - 2001/03/31 Postdoctoral fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
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IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Computer Society
, ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)
, Association for Natural Language Processing
, Japanese Association for Digital Humanities
, Japanese Society for Information and Media Studies
, Japan Society of Information and Knowledge
, The Database Society of Japan
, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (Senior Member)
, Information Processing Society of Japan