J-GLOBAL ID:201001043103071585   Update date: Jul. 13, 2010

yoshinori hosokawa

ホソカワ ヨシノリ | yoshinori hosokawa
Affiliation and department:
Job title: 開発部
Homepage URL  (1): http://www.x-ray.co.jp
Research field  (2): Crystal engineering ,  Applied materials
Research keywords  (6): X線管 ,  IMS ,  X線回折 ,  X線CT ,  X線透視 ,  蛍光X線分析
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (1):
  • 2008 - 2011 超小型X線管の開発、IMS装置、蛍光X線CT
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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