J-GLOBAL ID:201001046045624322
Update date: Jan. 26, 2025
クリバヤシ カツヒコ | KURIBAYASHI Katsuhiko
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Research keywords (3):
Rational Homotopy theory
, Diffeology
, String topology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (17):
- 2021 - 2025 位相的場の理論と可微分スタックに現れるストリングトポロジーの非自明性の検証研究
- 2019 - 2022 ディフェオロジカル de Rham 理論の創発研究
- 2016 - 2018 圏論的アプローチによる階層体の研究
- 2013 - 2017 ゴレンシュタイン空間上で展開される導来ストリングトポロジーの研究
- 2013 - 2016 Homotopy noncommutativity of loop spaces
- 2011 - 2016 Proof of Homological Mirror Symmetry
- 2013 - 2015 小圏のコホモロジー論によるアソシエーションスキーモイドの研究
- 2008 - 2011 Coho mology of discrete groups and characteristic classes of flat bundles
- 2008 - 2011 Studies on rational visibility problems of a Lie Group and extensions of symplectic classes by a model for the evaluation map
- 2002 - 2004 空間の代数的モデルを用いた微分コトージョン積の解析
- 2001 - 2002 A representation formula for solutions of equations with delay in the phase space and its applications
- 2000 - 2001 On the study of cohomology of Chevalley groups using the etale cohomology thoery
- 1998 - 1999 ループ群の分類空間のコホモロジー環について
- 1997 - 1997 組み合せ表現論と環論的超幾何関数論
- 1996 - 1996 多様体の安定ホモトピー型とその応用
- 1995 - 1995 ストリニグ類の消滅問題について
- 1994 - 1994 自由ループ空間の有理(実)係数コホモロジー環の代数構造について
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Papers (42):
Katsuhiko Kuribayashi, Takahito Naito, Shun Wakatsuki and Toshihiro Yamaguchi. A reduction of the string bracket to the loop product. to appear in Algebraic & Geometric Topology. 2023. 24. 2619-2654
Katsuhiko Kuribayashi. A comparison between two de Rham complexes in diffeology. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 2021. 149. 4963-4972
Katsuhiko Kuribayashi. Simplicial cochain algebras for diffeological spaces. to appear in Indagationes Mathematicae. 2020
Katsuhiko Kuribayashi. On the whistle cobordism operation in string topology of classifying spaces. Documenta Mathematica. 2020. 25. 125-142
Katsuhiko Kuribayashi, Luc Menichi. The Batalin-Vilkovisky algebra in the string topology of classifying spaces. Canadian Journal of Mathematics. 2019. 71. 843-889
MISC (5):
Katsuhiko Kuribayashi, Takahito Naito, Shun Wakatsuki and Toshihiro Yamaguchi. Algebraic interleavings of spaces over the classifying space of the circle, preprint (2025). 2025
Katsuhiko Kuribayashi. On multiplicative spectral sequences for nerves and the free loop spaces, preprint (2023). Topology and its Applications. 2023. 352,Article ID 107708, 39 p
Katsuhiko Kuribayashi, Takahito Naito, Shun Wakatsuki and Toshihiro Yamaguchi. Cartan calculi on the free loop spaces, preprint (2022). Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 2022. 228, Article ID 107708, 39 p
Katsuhiko Kuribayashi. Local systems in diffeology, preprint (2021). Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures. 2021. 19. 475-523
Katsuhiko Kuribayashi, Luc Menichi and Takahito Naito. Remarks on derived string topology, preprint (2017). 2017
Professional career (1):
Work history (7):
- 2014/04 - 信州大学学術研究院 (理学系) 教授
- 2005/04 - 2014/03 Shinshu University, Faculty of Science Professor
- 2004/04 - 2005/03 Shinshu University, Faculty of Science Associate Professor
- 1999/04 - 2004/03 Okayama University of Science, Faculty of Science Associate Professor
- 2000/04 - 2000/06 フランス国立科学研究所(CNRS)客員研究員
- 1995/04 - 1999/03 Okayama University of Science, Faculty of Science
- 1991/04 - 1995/03 Gunma National College of Technology,
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