Research field (1):
Electric/electronic material engineering
Research keywords (1):
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
高忠実色再現に関する関する研究 乗り物酔い改善装置に関する研究
Papers (1):
M. Takaya, T. Wakebe, Y. Shimodaira. Color reproduction method to reduce color difference caused by device drift, imperfect additivity and color tracking. IDW/AD '05: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 12TH INTERNATIONAL DISPLAY WORKSHOPS IN CONJUNCTION WITH ASIA DISPLAY 2005, VOLS 1 AND 2. 2005. 1813-1816
MISC (23):
M. Takaya, Y. Amano, Y. Shimodaira. Color Conversion Method Overcoming Color Tracking and Imperfect Additive Color Mixture. The 21st International Display Workshops. 2014. 1057-1058
Kusama Yusuke, Takaya Masanori, Mochizuki Koji. A Study on an introductory experiment for the lower grades -Fabrication of a simplified electromagnetic wave detector-. Memoirs of Numazu College of Technology. 2011. 45. 19-22
Takaya M, Kusama Y, Nishimura K, Shima N, Mochizuki K. Improvement of First Year Experiences of Electric and Electronics Engineering. Memoirs of Numazu College of Technology. 2011. 45. 31-34
Mori Takahiro, Takaya Masanori, Amano Yusuke, Shimodaira Yoshifumi. Color Conversion Method for Multi-Primary Display by Using Nonlinear Programming Method. Memoirs of Numazu College of Technology. 2011. 45. 27-30