Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
2022 - 2025 国際的組織再編成に対する租税条約政策の今後の方向性
2016 - 2018 国際的組織再編税制の今後の方向性
2014 - 2016 利益概念から剰余金概念への移行に対する会社法及び税法の対応と展開
2013 - 2014 企業の国外離脱と租税条約による規制
Papers (26):
Shigetaka Nakamura. Response to the Issue of Authorizing the Competent Authorities to Use Comprehensive Reorganization Clauses: With Reference to the Tax Treatments under Canadian Law. 2024. 18. 199-214
NAKAMURA,Shigetaka. Cross-border Corporate Reorganizations and Non-discrimination Clauses-Focusing on Two Protocols in Japanese Tax Treaties-. Journal of Accountancy, Economics and Law. 2023. No17, pp.1-12
NAKAMURA,Shigetaka. Research on Article 9 of the Inheritance Tax Act from Comparative Law Perspective -Focus on Indirect Gifts through a Corporation-. The Journal of Comprehensive Law and Policy Research Association. 2022. 5号
NAKAMURA SHIGETAKA. Anti-Inversion Rule and Substantial Business Activity Test. The journal of modern society and accounting. 2011. 5号213〜226頁. 5. 213-226
Books (2):
新日本法規出版 2015
Teaching-materials international tax law, New edition