J-GLOBAL ID:201001091331623630   Update date: Feb. 25, 2025

Hosaka Koichi

ホサカ コウイチ | Hosaka Koichi
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Assistant Professor
Research field  (1): Semiconductors, optical and atomic physics
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (8):
  • 2020 - 2024 Mechanism and structural elucidation of an extractant for minor actinide partitioning
  • 2017 - 2020 Symmetry property and entangled atom-pair formation in the photodissociation of doubly excited hydrogen molecules
  • 2012 - 2015 The promotion of the fluorescence emission from the excited photofragments
  • 2011 - 2014 Decay dynamics of the entangled atom-pair
  • 2009 - 2010 High state determination of the short-lived electronically excited states with wave packet interferometries
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Papers (60):
  • Yutaro Torizuka, Kouichi Hosaka, Philipp Schmidt, Takeshi Odagiri, Arno Ehresmann, Masashi Kitajima, Noriyuki Kouchi. Entanglement in 2p atom pairs in H2 photodissociation as studied by measuring the angular correlation function of Lyman- α photon pairs on a whole sphere. Physical Review A. 2025. 111. 2
  • M. Kitajima, A. Kondo, N. Kobayashi, T. Ejiri, T. Okumura, K. Shigemura, K. Hosaka, T. Odagiri, M. Hoshino. High-resolution and high-precision measurements of total cross section for electron scattering from CO$$_2. The European Physical Journal D. 2023. 77. 11
  • Tomoya Ikuta, Kouichi Hosaka, Hiroshi Akagi, Fumihiko Kannari, Ryuji Itakura. Multichannel dissociative ionization of ethanol in intense ultraviolet laser fields: Energy correlation between photoelectron emission and fragment recoil. Physical Review A. 2022. 106. 2
  • Kouichi Hosaka, Yutaro Torizuka, Philipp Schmidt, Arno Ehresmann, Takeshi Odagiri, Masashi Kitajima, Noriyuki Kouchi. Analytical expression for the angular correlation function of two Lyman- α photons in the photodissociation of hydrogen molecules. Physical Review A. 2021. 103. 6
  • Y. Kumagai, T. Odagirit, M. Nakano, I. H. Suzuki, K. Hosaka, M. Kitajima, N. Kouchi. Distribution of dipole oscillator strengths for the formation of excited hydrogen atom from C2H2. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2020. 1412. 14
MISC (10):
  • Shiino K., Nakanishi Y., Hosaka K., Odagiri T., Kitajima M., Kouchi N. 29pCH-6 The cross sections for the formation of the 2p atom pair in the photodissociation of H_2 and D_2. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2014. 69. 1. 209-209
  • Ohrui S., Shiratori T., Odagiri T., Kumagai Y., Hosaka K., Kitajima M., Kouchi N. 29pCH-4 Photo dissociation dynamics of doubly excited states of para-hydrogen. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2014. 69. 1. 209-209
  • Mochizuki Y., Hosaka K., Tsuchida T., Yachi K., Shigemura K., Odagiri T., Kitajima M., Kouchi N. 29pCH-5 Electron energy-loss spectra of H_2O tagged with the Lyman-α photons in the range of the doubly excited states : The measurements at small scattering angles and 100 eV incident electron energy. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2014. 69. 1. 209-209
  • Kougo R., Hosaka K., Nakanishi Y., Nakano M., Kumagai Y., Suzuki I. H., Odagiri T., Kitajima M., Kouchi N. 28pED-11 Angular distribution of Lyman-α photons produced in photodissociation of H_2. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2013. 68. 1. 231-231
  • Yachi K., Odagiri T., Tsuchida T., Shigemura K., Hosaka K., Kitajima M., Kouchi N. 20pAJ-8 Strong dependence of electron energy loss spectra tagged with Lyman-α photons on the electron scattering angle, in the range of the doubly excited states of H_2O. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2012. 67. 2. 169-169
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