Research keywords (5):
, 人間情報学
, 医療ICT
, 生体システム工学
, Human sensing/ Biological system engineering/ Medical ICT/ Human Informatics/ Machine learning
Papers (19):
Chika Sugimoto, Yuto Masuyama. Elevation Measurement of Laryngeal Prominence from Depth Images for Evaluating Swallowing Function. ThCT. 2018. 15. 6. 1-4
Chika Sugimoto, Yuto Masuyama. Laryngeal Prominence Movement Measurement with Depth Sensor for Evaluation of Swallowing Function. 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2017
Self-Organizing Node Deployment Based on Virtual Spring Mesh for Mobile Wireless Sensor Network
(the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2014 2014)
Human Sensing Using Wearable Wireless Sensors for Smart Environments
(Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST2013) 2013)
Application of High-band UWB Body Area Network to Medical vital Sensing in Hospital
(UWB-BAN 2013)
Imaging for Detecting Breast Cancers Using UWB Radar Technology
(UWBAN-2013 2013)