J-GLOBAL ID:201002033588138222   Reference number:76A0292213

キクの花色 3 花色に対する主要色素の量的効果と花色の測色

Author (2):
Volume: 45  Issue:Page: 65-75  Publication year: 1976 
JST Material Number: F0626A  ISSN: 0013-7626  CODEN: EGKZA  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Reference (30):
  • 1). AHUJA, K. G., H. L. MITCHELL, and W. J. CARPENTER. 1963. Quantitative determination of anthocyanidin from petals of rose cultivars, Pink Coronet and Happiness. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 83: 829-832.
  • 2). DAVIES, B. H. 1965. Analysis of carotenoid pigments. in‘Chemistry and biochemistry of plant pigments’(ed. by T. W. GOODWIN). pp. 489-532. Academic Press. London.
  • 3). 遠藤元庸•山田健二. 1972. 栽培ギクの花色に関する研究. 1. 赤色系キクのアントシアニン色素発現について. 岐阜大農研報. 33: 51-63.
  • 4). HARBORNE, J. B., and H. S. A. SHERRATT. 1961. Plant polyphenols. 3. Flavonoids in genotypes of Primula sinensis. Biochem. J. 78: 298-306.
  • 5). HARBORNE, J. B. 1965. Flavonoids: Distribution and contribution to plant colour, in‘Chemistry and biochemistry of plant pigments’(ed. by T. W. GOODWIN). pp. 247-278. Academic Press. London.
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