J-GLOBAL ID:201002223160142407   Reference number:10A0681182


Author (1):
Volume: 59  Issue:Page: 671-675  Publication year: Jun. 30, 2010 
JST Material Number: Z0644A  ISSN: 0021-4884  CODEN: ARERAM  Document type: Article
Article type: 解説  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Immunologic diseases,allergic diseases in general.  ,  Clinical otorhinolaryngology in general 
Reference (26):
  • WILLIAMS, RI. Allergic laryngitis. Ann Otol. 1972, 81, 558-565
  • PANG, LQ. Allergy of the larynx, trachea, and bronchial tree. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 1974, 7, 719-734
  • OSLER, W. Hereditary angio-neurotic aedema. Am J Med Sci. 1888, 95, 362-367
  • FRANK, DI. Angioneurotic edema of the larynx due to sensitivity to chicle. Arch Otolayngol. 1940, 32, 1067-1070
  • ANDERSON, OE. Laryngeal obstruction due to antibiotic therapy. Arch Otolarngol. 1952, 54, 34-37
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