J-GLOBAL ID:201002287227084340   Reference number:10A0404407

電気設備を支える制御技術と制御理論 3 快適性と省エネを両立させる省エネ空調制御技術

Author (1):
Volume: 30  Issue:Page: 269-272  Publication year: Apr. 10, 2010 
JST Material Number: G0947B  ISSN: 0910-0350  Document type: Article
Article type: 解説  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Air conditioning equipment in general 
Reference (3):
  • 環境省. こども環境白書. 2007
  • 日本建築学会編. 技術
  • FANGER, P. O. Calculation of Thermal Comfort, Introduction of a Basic Comfort Equation. ASHRAE Trans. 1967, 73-II, III.4.1-III.4.20
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