J-GLOBAL ID:201003011673081345


Applicant, Patent owner:
Gazette classification:公開公報
Application number (International application number):2008267047
Publication number (International publication number):2010097794
Application date: Oct. 16, 2008
Publication date: Apr. 30, 2010
Claim (excerpt):
IPC (8):
H01B 5/02 ,  C01B 31/02 ,  H02N 11/00 ,  B82B 1/00 ,  B81B 3/00 ,  B81C 99/00 ,  H01B 1/04 ,  H01B 5/00
FI (8):
H01B5/02 Z ,  C01B31/02 101F ,  H02N11/00 Z ,  B82B1/00 ,  B81B3/00 ,  B81C5/00 ,  H01B1/04 ,  H01B5/00 H
F-Term (26):
3C081AA13 ,  3C081AA18 ,  3C081BA11 ,  3C081BA42 ,  3C081BA60 ,  3C081CA31 ,  3C081CA32 ,  3C081CA38 ,  3C081DA25 ,  4G146AA12 ,  4G146AB07 ,  4G146AC02A ,  4G146AC02B ,  4G146AC03A ,  4G146AC03B ,  4G146AD17 ,  4G146AD28 ,  4G146CB03 ,  4G146CB10 ,  4G146CB11 ,  4G146CB16 ,  4G146CB17 ,  4G146CB19 ,  4G146CB35 ,  5G301BA01 ,  5G307CA07
Patent cited by the Patent:
Cited by applicant (1)
  • アクチュエータ素子
    Gazette classification:公開公報   Application number:特願2003-409344   Applicant:独立行政法人科学技術振興機構, 独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所
Cited by examiner (2)

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