J-GLOBAL ID:201009058207008385   JST material number (FULL):L7783AAU   JST material number:L7783A

Proceedings of the CEReS International Symposium on Remote Sensing

JST material number:
JST material number
Identifier of Material (journals)
Material type:Proceedings, Print, ir
Publication frequency: ir
Country of issued:Japan(JPN)
Language (1): English(EN)
JST classification  (2): 地球物理学 (DC) ,  土木工学 (RC)
Publisher: 千葉大学環境リモートセンシング研究センター
Publication place:千葉
Conference name  (12):
  • Symposium on Microsatellites for Remote Sensing, 2nd, Bali, 20140822 -
  • Asia Future Conference : Environmental Remote Sensing, 2nd, Bali, 20140822 -
  • 小型衛星シンポジウム, 3rd
  • IJJSS 2016
  • Symposium on Microsatellite for Remote Sensing, 4th
JST library information (8)
  • 2020():2020   Available
  • 2019():2019   Available
  • 24th (CD-ROM)():2016   Available
  • 23rd():2015   Available
  • 22nd():2014   Available
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