Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
2009 - 2012 The Construction of the Intellectual knowledge by Japanese Scholars in the prewar era
2006 - 2009 A Historical Study on the Mutual Perception between Japan and Korea
2003 - 2006 Time and Space Change of Postwar East-Asia : Cultures and Societies after the WWII and the end of Cold War
2001 - 2002 Basic Research on The Modern Korean Nationalist and Cultural Movements Documents Collection.
2000 - 2002 interdisciplinary Study on the New Stage of Globalization in Asia
Papers (14):
月脚 達彦. 申采浩の「宗教的武士魂」 : 近代朝鮮の儒教的知識人と「武」・再考-Sin Chaeho's 'Religious Martialism' : A Reconsideration of the Confucian Intellectual and 'Martialism' in Modern Korea. 韓国朝鮮文化研究 : 研究紀要 / 東京大学大学院人文社会系研究科韓国朝鮮文化研究室 編. 2023. 22. 1-16
TSUKIASHI Tatsuhiko. Japan's Annexation of Korea as Seen from Japan ("The Japan's Annexation of Korea"in the International Situation of Modern East Asia). Study of economic history : keizaishi kenkyu. 2012. 15. 77-105
The Confucian Intellectual and "Martialism" in Modern Korea : Pak Unsik and "Martial Spirit". 2011. 0. 10. 61-94