- 2022/12 - 土木学会 The 18th Conference for Architecture and Infrastructure Environment, JSCE 「人が歩くプレストレストアイスブリッジの基礎実験とデザイン」
- 2021/12 - 土木学会 The 17th Conference for Architecture and Infrastructure Environment, JSCE 「スクエアコアトラス構造の構造特性と静的実験」
- 2018/12 - 土木学会 The 14th Conference for Architecture and Infrastructure Environment, JSCE 「Cleaning Bridge Projectのイベント企画と運営」
- 2017/12 - 土木学会 The 13th Coferece for Architecture and Infrastructure Environment, JSCE 「サルバティーコ橋のイベント効果と手法について」
- 2017/01 - Japan Society of Civil Engineering Japan Society of Civil Engineering Design Awards 2016 "Redevelopment of the shiraito-waterfall basin around the environment"
- 2016/12 - 土木学会 The 12th Coferece for Architecture and Infrastructure Environment, JSCE 「ITを用いた白糸の滝展望場と白糸自然公園連絡通路のデザイン」
- 2015/06 - Japan Concrete Institute Japan Concrete Institute Design Award 2014 Takimi bridge
- 2014/11 - Japan Institute of Design Promotion Good Design Good Design Award Takimi bridge
- 2013/12 - 土木学会 Best Presentation Award, The 9th Coferece for Architecture and Infrastructure Environment, JSCE 世界文化遺産の構成資産白糸の滝に架かる滝見橋のデザイン
- 2011/02 - (社)土木学会 2010年度デザイン賞 最優秀賞 「雷電廿六木橋」
- 2010/05 - (社)土木学会 2009年度環境賞 古畳を利用したのり面保護工の開発と生物多様性の高い森づくり
- 2008/10 - Japan Institute of Design Promotion Good Design 2008, "Sakata Mirai Bridge”
- 2005/01 - 土木学会 Japan Society of Civil Engineering Design Awards 2004 "NARUTO West Parking Area at Shikoku Traversal Expressway"
- 2003/11 - Forum8 Co.,Ltd 3D and VR simulation contest Award 2003 "Fuji Speedway”,
- 2003/06 - Japan Concrete Institute Japan Concrete Institute Design Award 2002 "Bandou Doitsu bridge”
- 2002/10 - Japan Institute of Design Promotion Good Design Gold Award / Special Economic Industrial Ministry Prize "NARUTO West Parking Area at Shikoku Traversal Expressway"
- 2002/10 - 日本産業デザイン振興会 2002-2003年 グッドデザイン賞 " Next-generation L-type retaining wall shift Wall”
- 1999/05 - Japan Concrete Institute Japan Concrete Institute Design Award 1998 "Raiden-Takimi Bridge”
- 1998/10 - Japan Institute of Design Promotion Good Design Award " Raiden-Todoroki Bridge & Otaki Brige"
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