J-GLOBAL ID:201101032282723854   Update date: Jun. 26, 2024

ISHII Tetsuya

イシイ テツヤ | ISHII Tetsuya
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL  (1): https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tetsuya_Ishii/?ev=hdr_xprf
Research field  (1): Healthcare management, medical sociology
Research keywords  (6): ゲノム編集 ,  遺伝子組換え生物 ,  遺伝学 ,  生殖補助医療 ,  医療社会学 ,  生命倫理学
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (6):
  • 2022 - 2025 包括的生殖補助医療法の制定に向けて
  • 2020 - 2023 The Possibility of Combining Human Rights Theory and Scientific Knowledge Theory in Establishing Legal Rules for Medical Intervention-genome editing-for human embryos.
  • 2019 - 2022 Toward a Code of Ethics for Genome Editing-Scientific and Technological Innovation and Human Dignity-
  • 2020 - 2021 The ethics of experimental reproductive medicine involving mitochondrial manipulation: Gender and genetic relatedness.
  • 2016 - 2020 Rethinking Dual-use concept in Japan from viewpoint of STS
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Papers (39):
  • Tetsuya Ishii, Iñigo de Miguel Beriain. Shifting to a model of donor conception that entails a communication agreement among the parents, donor, and offspring. BMC Medical Ethics. 2022. 23. 1
  • Megumi Ishii, Tetsuya Ishii. Proving that a genome-edited organism is not GMO. Trends in Biotechnology. 2021
  • Tetsuya Ishii. Assignment of responsibility for creating persons using germline genome-editing. Gene and Genome Editing. 2021. 1. 100006-100006
  • Tetsuya Ishii. Enforcing Legislation on Reproductive Medicine with Uncertainty via a Broad Social Consensus. Kobe University Monograph Series in Social Science Research. 2021. 69-86
  • Misha Angrist, Rodolphe Barrangou, Françoise Baylis, Carolyn Brokowski, Gaetan Burgio, Arthur Caplan, Carolyn Riley Chapman, George M Church, Robert Cook-Deegan, Bryan Cwik, et al. Reactions to the National Academies/Royal Society Report on Heritable Human Genome Editing. The CRISPR journal. 2020. 3. 5. 332-349
MISC (2):
  • 石井 哲也, 山中 伸弥. iPS細胞、核初期化機構と臨床応用 (Biophilia Special 再生医療で元気になる). Biophilia : 生命科学の未来を考える. 2011. 7. 3. 12-16
  • Kyoto University integrated hub for iPS cell research. Regenerative medicine. 2009. 8. 3. 12-16
Books (20):
  • ゲノム編集 遺伝子を壊す治療の承認背景と展望.
    現代化学 3月号. 20-21. 2024. 2024
  • ヒト受精卵のゲノム編集と生殖利用
    55:1807-1810. 2023
  • Reproduction Reborn: How Science, Ethics, and Law Shape Mitochondrial Replacement Therapies
    2023 ISBN:0197616194
  • 人のゲノム編集をめぐる倫理規範の構築を目指して
    知泉書院 2022 ISBN:9784862853585
  • スポーツと遺伝子ドーピングを問う:技術の現在から倫理的問題まで
    晃洋書房 2022 ISBN:4771035431
Lectures and oral presentations  (35):
  • Discuss parenting intelligent children, without selecting embryos by polygenic scores for intelligence.
    (World Congress of Bioethics 2024 2024)
  • 将来の子の知能を予想する着床前検査の倫理.
    (日本生命倫理学会 2023)
  • 多遺伝子リスクスコアの倫理:成人、未成人、胚にとってのリスク.
    (日本医学・哲学倫理学会. 2023)
  • 非匿名の配偶子提供者を再考する
    (生命倫理学会 2022)
  • 配偶子提供をアイデンティティから考える
    (日本医学哲学・倫理学会 2022)
Professional career (1):
  • 博士 (北海道大学)
Association Membership(s) (4):
JAPAN ASSOCIATION FOR BIOETHICS ,  European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology(ESHRE) ,  JAPANESE ASSOCIATION FOR LABORATORY ANIMAL SCIENCE ,  International Society for Stem Cell Reseach
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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