Research field (7):
Information security
, Business administration
, Environmental policy and society
, Economic policy
, Economic policy
, Library/information science, humanistic/social informatics
, Economic policy
Research keywords (14):
, 電子マネー
, 情報セキュリティ経済学
, 行動科学
, Open Source Software
, 情報経済学
, Information Public Policy
, Information Economics
, ネットワーク経済学
, モジュール化
, 情報制度論
, 産業組織論
, オープンソースソフトウェア
Research theme for competitive and other funds (19):
2017 - 2020 日韓米のICT企業の事業戦略・研究開発戦略の比較検証
2017 - 2017 A conjoint analysis of Japanese online distribution markets -a study based on 3,000 web survey
2014 - 2017 日米韓ICT企業の特許戦略:テキスト分析による動態的析出
2014 - 2015 我が国における電子書籍普及に関する消費者分析
2012 - 2015 スマートフォン市場における情報家電企業の国際競争力の構築ダイナミズム
2011 - 2011 A Study on Business Structure of E-book in Non-English Language: Case Study of Japan
2010 - 2011 情報通信法時代のIPTVに関する国際比較研究
2009 - 2010 SNSの地域活用における国際比較 - 日本への応用
2009 - 2010 米韓比較研究によるインターネット選挙運動の発展メカニズムとその展望
2009 - 2010 先進各国におけるデジタルテレビ移行支援策の比較研究
2007 - 2009 ブロードバンド時代における次世代情報通信政策の研究
2008 - 2008 A Comparative Study of Diffusion Policy for Broadband in Japan, the U.S., and Korea
Masashi Ueda. A consumer analysis on e-book market in Japan based on a 3,000-sample survey. Journal of Informatics and Regional Studies. 2017. 9. 1. 5-12
Masashi Ueda. A Comparative Study on Business Model of Distribution in Japan. Journal of Business and Economics. 2016. 7. 7. 1111-1117
Masashi Ueda. An Analysis on Smartphone Adoption for University Students. Journal of Informatics and Regional Studies. 2016. 8. 1. 5-12
Masashi Ueda. A Study on Diffusion of e-Book - Contents Aggregation and Battle of Bargaining Power. Journal of Informatics and Regional Studies. 2014. 6. 1. 23-35
Masashi Ueda. Some Examples of Information Security and Privacy Issues from the View Point of Behavoural Science. the Journal of IEICE. 2013. 96. 8. 656-661
陳韻如, 朴唯新, 上田昌史. 台湾スマートフォン産業におけるビジネス・エコシステムの構築可能性. 滋賀大学経済学部 Working Paper. 2014. 209. 1-16
Hiroshi Ohashi, Katsuhiko Izumi, Tatsuo Tanaka, Masashi Ueda. About Japanese Electronic Book Market. CPRC Report Series. 2013. CR 13. 01. 156
Masashi Ueda, Yousin Park, Yunju Chen. A comparison analysis of smart phone competition model: Korean case and Japanese case. International Telecommunications Society (ITS) 2012. 2012
Masashi Ueda. Information Privacy from the view point of BehaviouralScience. Nextcom. 2011. 8. 22-31
Shiro Uesugi, Hiroki Idota, Hitoshi Okada, Masashi Ueda, Peter Dell, Koji Yamaguchi. A study of diffusion and acceptance of an electronic newspaper-A case from Ehime Newspaper. In Proceedings of 2011 Africa - Asia - Australasia Regional Conference. 2011
Industrial Agglomeration: Facts and Lessons for Developing Countries
IDE-JETRO 2003 ISBN:4258560073
Digital Divide or Digital Jump: Beyond ‘IT’ Revolution
IDE-JETRO 2002 ISBN:4258560065
Lectures and oral presentations (79):
Diffusion of e-Book in Japan from the View Point of Consumer Activities
(The 25th International Display Workshops 2018)
A Study on Adoption of Alternative Services
(The 5th Multidisciplinary International Social Networks Conference 2018)
A Conjoint Analysis on e-book Market in Japan
(The 28th ITS European conference 2017)
A conjoint analysis of Japanese online distribution markets -a study based on 3,000 web survey
(The 4th Multidisciplinary International Social Networks Conference 2017)
An Analysis on Consumer Market of e-book in Japan
(The 14th ITS Asia-Pacific Conference 2017)