J-GLOBAL ID:201101060109753997
Update date: Dec. 22, 2022
Sawada Hiroshi
Sawada Hiroshi
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NTT Corporation NTT Communication Science Laboratories
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澤田 宏, 荒木 章子. 招待講演 時間周波数マスクによる実環境でのブラインド音源分離 (応用音響). 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. 2010. 110. 331. 43-48
石黒 勝彦, 澤田 宏, 坂野 鋭. 多クラス早期認識ブースティング法(一般,顔・人物・ジェスチャ・行動). 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. HIP, ヒューマン情報処理. 2010. 109. 471. 489-494
ISHIGURO Katsuhiko, SAWADA Hiroshi, SAKANO Hitoshi. Multiclass Boosting for Early Classification of Sequences. IEICE technical report. 2010. 109. 470. 489-494
ARAKI Shoko, FUJIMOTO Masakiyo, ISHIZUKA Kentaro, NAKATANI Tomohiro, SAWADA Hiroshi, MAKINO Shoji. Speaker diarization for meetings by integrating speech presence probability estimation and time-frequency domain direction of arrival estimation. IEICE technical report. 2008. 108. 143. 19-24
SAWADA Hiroshi, ARAKI Shoko, MAKINO Shoji. Recent Advances in Audio Source Separation Techniques. The Journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers. 2008. 91. 4. 292-296
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