J-GLOBAL ID:201101083199156267
Update date: Jun. 04, 2020
Adachi Tsuyoshi
アダチ ツヨシ | Adachi Tsuyoshi
Affiliation and department:
Waseda University Faculty of Political Science and Economics
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Detailed information
Research field (1):
Theoretical economics
Research keywords (5):
, 社会的選択理論
, 公共経済学
, ゲーム理論
, ミクロ経済学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
Papers (8):
Tsuyoshi Adachi, Takumi Kongo. Further axiomatizations of Egghe's g-index. JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS. 2015. 9. 4. 839-844
Tsuyoshi Adachi, Susumu Cato, Kohei Kamaga. Extended anonymity and Paretian relations on infinite utility streams. MATHEMATICAL SOCIAL SCIENCES. 2014. 72. 24-32
Tsuyoshi Adachi. A natural mechanism for eliciting rankings when jurors have favorites. GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR. 2014. 87. 508-518
Tsuyoshi Adachi. Robust and secure implementation: equivalence theorems. GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR. 2014. 86. 96-101
Tsuyoshi Adachi. Equity and the Vickrey allocation rule on general preference domains. SOCIAL CHOICE AND WELFARE. 2014. 42. 4. 813-830
Professional career (2):
Doctor of Economics (Waseda University)
M.A. in Economics (Waseda University)
Work history (1):
Takasaki City University of Economics Faculty of Economics Research Associate
Awards (1):
2007 - 修士課程 研究科長賞(早稲田大学経済学研究科)
Association Membership(s) (1):
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in
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