J-GLOBAL ID:201201002795090386
Update date: Dec. 11, 2024
Hisanori Watanabe
ワタナベ ヒサノリ | Hisanori Watanabe
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Social psychology
Research keywords (5):
Public Opinion Resaerch
, Broadcasting and Media
, Marketing Research
, Election and Voting Behavior
, Social Psychology
Papers (35):
渡邊久哲. 求めたい、もうひとつの世論調査. 民放online. 2023
渡邊久哲. なぜ世論調査を行うのか~民主主義とマスメディアと. 民放online. 2023
Hisanori WATANABE. People's Awareness and the Trust i Television in Disparate Society. JOURNAL OF MASS COMMUNICATION STUDIES. 2020. 96. 3-14
Way of TV in Social Media Era. The CHUO Review. 2020. 310. 56-62
Errors in Questionaires. 2019. 1. 568. 88-91
MISC (10):
Watanabe Hisanori. Contrary Wind to TV Trust in Disparate Society. Journalism. 2019. 346. 39-45
Hisanori Watanabe. Reconsideration on Public Opinion. TyosaJohou. 2017. 536. 22-27
Election News on Predicting Outcomes. 2017. 47. 39-51
Hisanori Watanabe. Possibility of Short Contents. 2016. 46. 6. 4-7
Hinosari Watanabe. Major Sports on TV Programs. TyosaJyohou. 2016. 528. 14-17
Books (15):
Expanding information space and the future of broadcast media
2024 ISBN:9784326603770
民放連研究所客員研究員会 2022 ISBN:9784326603565
Broadcasting in Japan
Spinger 2022 ISBN:9789811946981
Reliability and Public Sphere in the Age of DX ~Value and Future of Broadcasting
keiso-syobo 2020
‘How to make Questionaires’ “Questionaire Design and Development”
Science & Technology Co 2018 ISBN:9784864281836
Lectures and oral presentations (15):
Public Opinion Poll and Election Prediction Research by News Organizations
(The 51st Annual Meeting of the Behaviormetric Societh 2023)
Lower House Election News and Reliability of TV
Peoples Consciousness and TV in Disparity Society
How to Recover Trust between Japanese and Chinese People ~Role of TV,Newspaper and Internet
Constructing a New Theory of TV audience
Professional career (1):
Work history (11):
- 2010/04 - 現在 Sophia University Journalism Department Professor
- 2022/10 - 2023/03 Keio University Faculty of Letters part-time lecturer
- 2021/10 - 2022/03 Keio University Faculty of Letters part-time lecturer
- 2020/10 - 2021/03 Keio University Faculty of Letters part-time Lecturer
- 2018/10 - 2019/03 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Letters
- 2011/06/10 - 2012/03/31 The Japan Commercial Broadcasting Association visiting researcher
- 1985/04/01 - 2010/03/31 Tokyo Broadcasting System Manager of Marketing Department
- 2005/04 - 2006/03 Sophia University
- 2003/04 - 2004/03 Sophia University
- 2000/04 - 2004/03 Sanno University
- 1999/04 - 2002/03 Sophia University
Show all
Committee career (6):
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本行動計量学会
, 日本マス・コミュニケーション学会
, 社会調査協会
, Japan Marketing Academy
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