J-GLOBAL ID:201201006379296396
Update date: Feb. 01, 2024
Fukuoka Atsuko
フクオカ アツコ | Fukuoka Atsuko
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Public law
Research theme for competitive and other funds (9):
- 2020 - 2024 The Dutch Republic as a Laboratory for New Jurisprudence and Politics
- 2016 - 2020 Another Aspect of the Early Modern Natural Law Theorists
- 2013 - 2015 The Low Countries in Grotius's and Spinoza's Time---An Investigation of their Struggles for the Liberty of Conscience and of Thought
- 2011 - 2012 An Issue Shared by Grotius and Spinoza-Mediators of Divine Revelations
- 2010 - 2011 Jus circa sacra - A Contested Right of the Sovereign in the Context of Seventeenth-Century Debates on the Church-State Relationship in the Netherlands
- 2009 - 2009 Staat, Kirche und Freiheit: Spinoza, Hobbes und Huber zur Frage über den Vermittler der göttlichen Offenbarung
- 2005 - 2008 DAAD Forschungsstipendium
- 2003 - 2004 Murata Overseas Scholarship
- 2002 - 2003 Huygens Scholarship
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Papers (5):
Atsuko Fukuoka. "Ulrik Huber". In: Great Christian Jurists in the Low Countries, ed. by Wim Decock and Pim Oosterhuis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming in. 2021
Atsuko Fukuoka. A Path between Scylla and Charybdis: Ulrik Huber (1636-1694) and the Theologico-juridical Paradigm of Constantine the Great. De rebus divinis et humanis: Essays in Honour of Jan Hallebeek (V&R unipress). 2019. 151-166
論争の中のグロティウス--初期近代主権論研究ノート [Grotius in the Bestandstwisten: In Quest of Summa Potestas]. Yasuo Hasebe et al. (ed), 『現代立憲主義の諸相--高橋和之先生古稀記念 [Aspects of Modern Constitutionalism: Papers in Honor of the 70th Birthday of Prof. Kazuyuki Takahashi] 』. 2013. Vol. I, pp. 569-612
Atsuko Fukuoka. The Theory of Ulrik Huber on the Sovereign Power concerning Religious Matters and its Historical Context. Laura Beck Varela et al (ed.), Crossing Legal Cultures: Yearbook of Young Legal History 3 (Munich: Martin Meidenbauer, 2009). 2009. pp. 259-277
Atsuko Fukuoka. Book review of Catherine Secretan, Les privileges, Berceau de la liberte : la revolte des Pays-Bas aux sources de la pensee politique moderne (1566-1619) (Paris: Vrin, 1990). Kokka Gakkai Zasshi: The journal of the Association of Political and Social Science, Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo. 2001. 114. 11/12. 147-150
MISC (3):
Atsuko Fukuoka. Introduction to Dutch Dictionaries. Bulletin of School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo. 2018. vols. 564, 573, 582, 591, 599
Atsuko Fukuoka. Book review of Shigeki Noya et al., 子どもの難問:哲学者の先生、教えて下さい! (Tokyo: Chuo Koron Shinsha, 2013). Bulletin of School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo. 2016. vol. 556
Atsuko Fukuoka. Funori?. Eureka. 2014
Books (2):
The Sovereign and the Prophets: Spinoza on Grotian and Hobbesian Biblical Argumentation
Brill 2018 ISBN:9789004351929
国家・教会・自由--スピノザとホッブズの旧約テクスト解釈を巡る対抗 [State, Church, and Liberty: A Comparison between Spinoza's and Hobbes's Interpretations of the Old Testament]
University of Tokyo Press 2007 ISBN:9784130361378
Lectures and oral presentations (7):
The Tractatus theologico-politicus and Dutch Debates on the Church-State Relationship
(The Netherlands-Israel Spinoza Seminar 2018)
Biblical Defences for Sovereignty and Spinoza’s Theologico-Political Teatise
(The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America 2016)
自由はどうしたら可能か--17 世紀オランダという実験場
(東京大学教養学部 駒場祭公開講座 2015)
The Artifices of Proving Sovereignty using the Old Testament: The Case of Hobbes and his Dutch Contemporaries
(SCIENTIAE 2015, the fourth annual international conference on the emergent knowledge practices of the early-modern period (1450-1750) 2015)
「憲法思想黎明期の俊英たち-17 世紀ネーデルラントのきらめき」
(東京大学教養学部:高校生のための金曜特別講座 2014)
Professional career (1):
- PhD in Law (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Work history (3):
- 2011/04 - 現在 Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo Associate Professor
- 2014/04 - Faculty of Law, Goethe University Frankfurt (summa cum laude) Ph.D.
- 2000/04 - 2005/03 Graduate School of Law and Politics, University of Tokyo Research Associate
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