2018 - 2022 Elucidation of current status and the mechanism on changes in coastal ecosytems off Fukushima after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami and the nuclear disaster
2019 - 2020 絶滅危惧種リュウキュウアユをカワウの食害から回避させる手法の確立
2016 - 2019 Conservation studies of Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis in Yakushima Island
2015 - 2018 Changes in intetidal biota after the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster and possible effects by radionuclides
2014 - 2018 Study of biodiversity conservation around land-water boundary on subtropical islands.
2013 - 2015 Searching for factors to cause oogenesis without yolk as a reproductive strategy in Apogon lineatus
2011 - 2011 有明海における漁獲対象重要種3種の仔魚期の摂餌戦略
2009 - 2009 ウチワザメの生活史
2007 - 2009 環境化学物質がニュージーランド産カレイ科魚類の再生産に及ぼす影響
2003 - 2004 有明海とその周辺海域におけるシログチの再生産機構に関する研究
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Papers (81):
Gen Kume, Hiroki Oba, Masafumi Kodama, Taichi Shigemura, Kazuhiro Shiozaki, Mutsuo Ichinomiya, Tomohiro Komorita, Takafumi Azuma, Toru Kobari. Growth, mortality, and predatory impact on mesozooplankton of chub mackerel Scomber japonicus larvae in an upwelling system, southern Japan. Continental Shelf Research. 2025
Toru Kobari, Yusuke Manako, Airi Hara, Kaori Yamanoue, Takafumi Azuma, Ryuji Fukuda, Yi-Chen Wang, Masafumi Kodama, Gen Kume. Community structure of fish larvae associated with advections of the Kuroshio and its neighboring waters. Progress in Oceanography. 2025. 231. 103386-103386
Masafumi Kodama, Ryoga Yamazaki, Jun Hayakawa, Gakuto Murata, Ko Tomikawa, Tomohiko Kawamura, Gen Kume, Toru Kobari. Feeding ecology of the urchin symbiont Dactylopleustes yoshimurai (Amphipoda) revealed by DNA metabarcoding. Marine Biology. 2024
Toru Kobari, Ayane Taniguchi, Manami Hirata, Gen Kume, Mutsuo Ichinomiya, Tomohiro Komorita, Masafumi Kodama, Fumihiro Makino, Junya Hirai. Comparison of the trophic sources and pathways of mesozooplankton and ichthyoplankton in the Kuroshio current and its neighboring waters. Progress in Oceanography. 2024. 103356-103356
Tomohiro Komorita, Toru Kobari, Gen Kume, Shin’ichiro Kako, Akimasa Habano, Yoichi Arita, Fumihiro Makino, Mutsuo Ichinomiya. Temporal changes in the microplankton community due to Kuroshio branch current inflow. Regional Studies in Marine Science. 2024. 103576-103576
Spatial Assessment of the Impact of Kuroshio Branch Intrusion on the Spring Phytoplankton Bloom in Kagoshima Bay Using GCOM-C SGLI
(Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2025 2025)
Acoustic survey of skinnycheek lanternfish (Benthosema pterotum) in Kagoshima Bay, Japan
(12th International Fisheries Symposium 2024 2024)
Feeding habits of blacktip grouper (Epinephelus fasciatus) around Koshikijima Island, southern Japan
(12th International Fisheries Symposium 2024 2024)
Early life history of small pelagic fish in the Kuroshio and adjacent water, southern Japan
(Meeting of the ICES Working Group on Atlantic Larvae and Egg Surveys (WGALES) 2024)
Bloom formation of colony-forming harmful diatom Thalassiosira diporocyclus in the Kagoshima Bay and its significance as prey for some copepods
(PICES-2024 Annual Meeting 2024)
2022/09 - PICES-2022 Best Poster Presentation Award Copepod community determined with metabarcoding analysis represents advection of with coastal waters to the Kuroshio
2019/10 - PICES-2019 Best Poster Presentation Award Early life history of Japanese horse mackerel Trachurus japonicus in the north Satsunan area, southern Japan
2001/10 - Best Poster Presentation Award Reproductive biology of the cardinalfish Apogon lineatus in Tokyo Bay, Japan
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Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本島嶼学会