Miyuki Tani. The Tendencies of Event COnstrual of English and Japanese Speakers in Motion-Event Expressions. English Language and Literature. 2012. 52. 52. 93-106
Culture, Context, and World Englishes
慶應義塾大学出版会 2013
慶應義塾大学出版会 2008
Lectures and oral presentations (12):
The Overuse of Relative Pronouns by Japanese English Learners: How Event-Construal Affects language Learning
(2012 PKETA International Conference 2012)
Motion-Event Constructions and Event Construals of English and Japanese Speakers
(4th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference 2012)
The "Fashions of Construal" of Japanese English Learners: An Observation on their Common Errors
(International Pragmatics Association|rn|12th International Pragmatics Conference 2011)
The Orientations of Language in Literary Works: Japanese Novels and their English Translations
(International Pragmatics Association|rn|11th International Pragmatics Conference 2009)