HUANG YUN. The Urban Middle Class and the Boom in Buddhist Ascetic Practice: Theravada Buddhists in Contemporary Malaysia. Southeast Asia: History and Culture. 2019. Vol. 48. pp. 5-26
HUANG YUN. The ritual service and network of the Teochew ShanTang in Malaysia and Singapore. in An Anthropological study of Teochew Chinese. 2018. pp. 223-257
HUANG YUN. The localization and formation of the the Theravada Buddhist Community in Malaysia and Chinese practitioners. in Intercivilizational Contacts in Southeast Asia: Historical Perspectives and Globalization. Saint Petersburg State University Press. 2017. pp. 97-117
黄 蘊. Kuah-Pearce Khun Eng : State, Society, and Religious Engineering : Towards a Reformist Buddhism in Singapore-2003年以降のマレーシア研究とシンガポール研究. マレーシア研究 = Malaysian studies journal. 2020. 8・9. 149-153
黄 薀. マレーシアの上座仏教徒の仏教実践と積徳行. 功徳の観念と積徳行の地域間比較研究. 2013. CIAS Discussion Paper No.23. 64-70
黃, 蘊. 2009年度聞き取り調査班調査報告-Report of Inquiry Research group in 2009. 周縁の文化交渉学シリーズ7 『フエ地域の歴史と文化-周辺集落と外からの視点-』. 2012. 349-354
HUANG YUN. Reconstructing Religion: An Anthropological Study on the Development of Dejiao Organization in Contemporary Malaysia. Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies. 2012. 5. 0. pp. 39-51
HUANG YUN. Book Reviews : Misa Okumura. Ethnicity as Cultural Capital Singapore's Struggle for Cultural Identity. Journal of Chinese overseas studies. 2012. 9. pp. 160-165
Book Review on Buddhist Revitalization and Chinese Religions in Malaysia, Tan Lee Ool, Amsterdam University Press (2020)
Southeast Asian Studies, Vol.10, No.2 pp.319-323 2021
Moving between Intimacy and Public: identity and the survival strategies of the social and religious organizations in Contemporary Southeast Asia
Kyoto University Press 2014
Chinese religious organization and the belief of spirit-writing in Southeast Asia: Development and Expansion of Dejiao
Fukyosya Press 2011
Transformation upon Cultural Interaction II
Kansai University, Institute for Cultural Interaction Studies 2010
Professional career (2):
Ph.D. (Human Science) (Osaka University)
M.D. (Human Science) (Osaka University)
Work history (4):
2017 - 現在 Shokei University Faculty of Contemporary Culture
2013 - 2017 Kwansei Gakuin University
2012/04 - 2013/03 Kyoto University Gcoe center for Intimacy and Public
2009/04 - 2012/03 Kansai University Institute for Cultural Interaction Studies Researcher
Committee career (2):
2014/04 - 2018/03 Japan Association for Malaysian Studies Member of the steering Committee for Kansai Region
2011/04 - 2013/03 The Japan Society for the Studies of Chinese Overseas editorial committee member
Association Membership(s) (4):
Japanese Association for the study of Religion and Society
, Japan Association for Malaysian Studies
, Japan Society for Southeast Asian Studies
, The Japanese society of Cultural Anthropology