MIZOGUCHI A. The Structural Concrete and the Restoration of Architectural Heritage in Tropics. Concrete Journal (Tokyo. 1963). 2011. 49. 10. 10_22-10_22
AOTA Kazuya, MIZOGUCHI Akinori. 9019 On The Planning Method, Tahoutou. Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture. 2010. 2010. 0. 37-38
YONEZAWA Takanori, NAGAI Norio, NAKAGAWA Takeshi, MIZOGUCHI Akinori, KAWAZU Yuji, SAKAMOTO Tadanori, SASAKI Masataka, KOIWA Masaki, FUSHIMI Yui. 9020 A Study on the Palanquin (KOSHI) in "KIKUDAKI-NO-CHUMON". Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture. 2010. 2010. 0. 39-40
SASAKI Masataka, NAGAI Norio, NAKAGAWA Takeshi, MIZOGUCHI Akinori, KAWAZU Yuji, SAKAMOTO Tadanori, KOIWA Masaki, YONEZAWA Takanori, FUSHIMI Yui. 9021 A study on Measuring cup of "MASU" written by "KIKUDAKI-NO CHUMON". Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture. 2010. 2010. 0. 41-42
KOIWA Masaki, NAGAI Norio, NAKAGAWA Takeshi, MIZOGUCHI Akinori, KAWAZU Yuji, SAKAMOTO Tadaonri, SASAKI Masataka, YONEZAWA Takanori, FUSHIMI Yui. 9022 Study on the 'Shiwari' Method of the upper story of the Two Storied Circular Pagpda in "KIKUDAKI-NO CHUMON". Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture. 2010. 2010. 0. 43-44