J-GLOBAL ID:201202204048857797   Reference number:12A0442490

東日本大震災からの復興の取組みと震災から得た教訓 2.情報通信インフラの被災状況と復旧に向けた活動状況 2-1 東日本大震災における通信インフラの災害復旧とその課題

Author (1):
Volume: 95  Issue:Page: 195-200  Publication year: Mar. 01, 2012 
JST Material Number: F0019A  ISSN: 0913-5693  Document type: Article
Article type: 解説  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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On J-GLOBAL, this item will be available after more than half a year after the record posted. In addtion, medical articles require to login to MyJ-GLOBAL.

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Natural disasters  ,  Urban problems,urban disaster prevention  ,  Communication network 

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