J-GLOBAL ID:201202218288763146   Reference number:12A1639238

Rhabdom evolution in butterflies: insights from the uniquely tiered and heterogeneous ommatidia of the Glacial Apollo butterfly, Parnassius glacialis

チョウにおけるかん状体進化: 氷河期のウスバシロチョウ,Parnassius glacialisの独自の層状および不均一な単眼からの洞察
Author (5):
Volume: 279  Issue: 1742  Page: 3482-3490  Publication year: Sep. 07, 2012 
JST Material Number: C0616A  ISSN: 0962-8452  Document type: Article
Country of issue: United Kingdom (GBR)  Language: ENGLISH (EN)

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