J-GLOBAL ID:201202234424605547   Reference number:12A0859478


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Issue: 389  Page: 54P  Publication year: Apr. 2012 
JST Material Number: L4994A  ISSN: 1346-9029  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Job and function management in general 
Reference (37):
  • 秋山弘子(2010)「長寿社会の科学と社会の構想」『科学』岩波書店,Vol.80(1), pp. 59-64.
  • Avicenna (1025) The Canon of Medicine
  • Cornelius, S. W. & Caspi, A. (1987) "Everyday problem solving in adulthood and old age." Psychology and Aging, Vol. 2(2), pp.144-153. doi:10.1037/0882-7974.2.2.144
  • 出口恭子(2012)「震災の影響を織り込んだ都道府県別将来人口の推計一震災後、広域にわたり変化した転出入の動きに着目一」日本経済研究センターDiscussion Paper No.133。
  • Haley, W. E. & Zelinski, E. (2007) "Progress and challenges in graduate education in gerontology: The U.S. experience." Gerontology & Geriatrics Education, Vol.27(3), pp.11 -26.
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