J-GLOBAL ID:201202283912098221   Reference number:12A1484424

The discussion of “the same effects between acupuncture treatment and Kampo formula” from a view of the alternative therapy after replacing Bu-Zhong-Yi-Qi acupuncture treatment with Bu-Zhong-Yi-Qi-Tang

Author (2):
Volume: 28  Issue:Page: 79-85  Publication year: Sep. 20, 2012 
JST Material Number: L0095A  ISSN: 0911-7768  Document type: Article
Article type: 短報  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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JST classification (1):
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Oriental medicine 
Reference (19):
  • 1) 『臨床経穴学』(『常用踰穴臨床発揮』李世珍著, 兵頭明訳,東洋学術出版社)
  • 2) 『祖伝鍼灸常用処方』(李世珍著,未翻訳)
  • 3) 『鍼灸二穴の効能』(『鍼灸対穴臨床経験集』呂景山著,渡邊賢一訳,東洋学術出版社)
  • 4) 『中医対薬』(『施今墨対薬』呂景山著,江崎宣久訳,東洋学術出版社)
  • 5)『中医針灸学の治法と処方』(『鍼灸治療与処方』邱茂良・孔昭遐編著,浅川要訳,東洋学術出版社)
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