J-GLOBAL ID:201202292781861772   Reference number:12A0897170

A case of primary cutaneous apocrine carcinoma of the scalp

Author (8):
Volume: 27  Issue:Page: 43-47  Publication year: May. 31, 2012 
JST Material Number: L0490A  ISSN: 0915-3535  Document type: Proceedings
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Skin tumors(=neoplasms)  ,  Surgical treatment for tumors 
Reference (11):
  • 1) 安齋眞一,菊地憲明,眞鍋 求:Apocrine ductalcarcnomaの1例.臨皮,58:1182-1186,2004
  • 2) 守屋美佳子,古田淳一,梅林芳弘:腋窩のアポクリン腺癌.臨皮,58:671-673,2004
  • 3) 久保田典子,反町正志,狩野俊幸:頭部に発生したアポクリン腺癌.皮膚臨床,53:397-400,2011
  • 4) Barnett JA : Apocrine cell carcinoma. Kansa Medicine, 10 : 26, 1985
  • 5) Robson A, Lazar AJ, Ben Nagi J, et al : Primary cutaneous apocrine carcinoma. Am J Surg Pathol, 32 : 2008, 682-690
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