J-GLOBAL ID:201202298927781073   Reference number:12A1428526

Delayed Flexor Digitorum Profundus Rupture in a Trigger Finger after Steroid Injection: A Case Report

Author (5):
Volume: 61  Issue:Page: 828-831  Publication year: Sep. 25, 2012 
JST Material Number: Z0437B  ISSN: 0037-1033  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Surgical treatment for musculoskeletal diseases 
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Reference (12):
  • 1) Fitzgerald, B. T., et al.: Delayed flexor digitorum super ficialis and profundus ruptures in trigger finger after a steroid injection; A Case report. J. Hand Surg. (Am), 30: 479-482, 2005.
  • 2) 堀内行雄:ばね指とドケルバン病の治療.日手会誌,25: S24, 2008.
  • 3) 岩波佳江子:副腎ステロイド注射はラット腱細胞のアポトーシスを誘導する.Dokkyo J. Med. Sci., 32: 39-46, 2005.
  • 4) Ketchum, L. D., Robinson, D. W., Masters, F. W.: The degrading of mature collagen; A laboratory study. Plast. Reconstr. Surg., 40: 89-91, 1967.
  • 5) 日本手外科学会社会保険等委員会:トリアムシノロンアセトニド(ケナコルト-A)注射液の一時的供給停止が及ぼした医療経済的影響.日手会誌,27: 1-6, 2010.
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