Research field (4):
Foreign language education
, Foreign language education
, Foreign language education
, Japanese language education
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2011 - 2015 研究支援を目指した「理工学系基本口頭表現用例学習辞典」の開発
Language Learning Strategies
Papers (26):
Charles E. Robertson. Student Reactions to Video Feedback Activities in Oral Communication and Presentation Courses. TEFL Praxis Journal, 2023, Vol. 2. 2023. 18-28
Effectiveness of continuing online language exchange in Japanese and English ̶Analysis on motivation for sustainable English learning̶. 2024
Sachie Banks. Autonomous Learning in COIL(Collaborative Online International Learning): Analysis of an English Writing Project. Aoyama Journal of Academic Writing Research. 2023. 2. 39-50
The language of young people and its implications for teaching. Outside the Box: The Tsukuba Multi-lingual Forum. 2011. 46-49
Effectiveness of mail exchange by Google Document between American and Japanese students in the English and Japanese language classrooms. Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University. 2011. 59-72
Let’s try communication check: For exchange students. Aoyama Standard Journal. 2010. 87-103
Books (1):
Let's Speak Out! Effective Speeches through Collaborative Learning