Job title:
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2015 - 2018 女性研究者の初期キャリア問題:任期付職、出産時期、研究生産性に関する研究
Papers (9):
TAKAHASHI Ana Maria. Gender Gaps in Japanese Academia: The Impact of Research Productivity, Outside Offers, and Home Life on Pay. The Social Science Journal. 2018
TAKAHASHI Ana Maria. Gender salary and promotion gaps in Japanese academia: Results from science and engineering. Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University Discussion Paper 1522, 2015. 2015
Gender salary and promotion differences in Japanese academia: New results from Science and engineering
(Western Economic Association International 2015)
Gender salary and promotion differences in Japanese academia: New results from Science and engineering
(Western Economic Association International 2014)