J-GLOBAL ID:201301003502866346
Update date: Oct. 20, 2021
Arisaka Yoshifumi
アリサカ ヨシフミ | Arisaka Yoshifumi
Affiliation and department:
Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine Faculty of Medical Sciences
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Detailed information
Job title:
Associate Professor
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2014 - 2016 大気圧低温プラズマの医療応用
Papers (10):
Takashi Nakagawa, Yoshifumi Arisaka, Tetsuo Ajiki, Kohei Fujikura, Atsuhiro Masuda, Mamoru Takenaka, Hideyuki Shiomi, Yoshihiro Okabe, Takumi Fukumoto, Yonson Ku, et al. Intraductal tubulopapillary neoplasm of the bile duct: A case report and review of the published work. HEPATOLOGY RESEARCH. 2016. 46. 7. 713-718
平田祐一, Arisaka Yoshifumi, 久津見弘, 酒井新, 竹中完, 塩見英之, Azuma Takeshi, 松本逸平, Hara Shigeo, 八隅秀二郎. Cyst in cyst様構造を呈し、膵粘液性嚢胞腫瘍(mucinous cystic neoplasm;MCN)との鑑別が困難であった膵内副脾に発生したepidermoid cystの1例. 日本消化器病学会雑誌. 2015. 112. 10号. 1858-1867
Atsuhiro Masuda, Hideyuki Shiomi, Tomokazu Matsuda, Mamoru Takenaka, Yoshifumi Arisaka, Takeshi Azuma, Hiromu Kutsumi. The relationship between pancreatic atrophy after steroid therapy and diabetes mellitus in patients with autoimmune pancreatitis. PANCREATOLOGY. 2014. 14. 5. 361-365
Seiya Yokoyama, Sho Kitamoto, Michiyo Higashi, Yuko Goto, Taro Hara, Dai Ikebe, Taketo Yamaguchi, Yoshifumi Arisaka, Toru Niihara, Hiroto Nishimata, et al. Diagnosis of Pancreatic Neoplasms Using a Novel Method of DNA Methylation Analysis of Mucin Expression in Pancreatic Juice. PLOS ONE. 2014. 9. 4. e93760
Atsuhiro Masuda, Yoshifumi Arisaka, Shigeo Hara, Ippei Matsumoto, Mamoru Takenaka, Arata Sakai, Hideyuki Shiomi, Nobuyuki Matsuki, Maki Sugimoto, Tsuyoshi Fujita, et al. MUC2 expression and prevalence of high-grade dysplasia and invasive carcinoma in mixed-type intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas. PANCREATOLOGY. 2013. 13. 6. 583-588
MISC (7):
Yoshifumi Arisaka, Mamoru Takenaka, Hideyuki Shiomi, Takeshi Azuma. Diagnosis and management for gallbladder polyps. Journal of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology. 2015. 112. 3. 444-455
Takenaka Mamoru, 平田 祐一, 八木 洋輔, 那賀川 峻, Shiomi Hideyuki, Arisaka Yoshifumi, Okabe Yoshihiro, 久津見 弘. 【肝胆膵・術後病態を學ぶ】 その他関連疾患 肝膿瘍 胆道疾患関連肝膿瘍を中心に. 肝・胆・膵. 2014. 69. 1号. 93-98
Arisaka Yoshifumi, Takenaka Mamoru, 増田 充弘, Shiomi Hideyuki, 小林 隆, 酒井 新, 那賀川 峻, 八木 洋輔, 江崎 健, 平田 祐一, et al. 【乳頭を攻略する-カニュレーションの基本と困難例への対処】 膵管カニュレーションのコツ. 消化器内視鏡. 2014. 26. 2号. 280-288
Arisaka Yoshifumi. 【胆管・膵管拡張をみたら】内視鏡的治療手技 内視鏡的乳頭括約筋切開術の実際. 消化器内視鏡. 2013. 25. 2. 317-323
Arisaka Yoshifumi, Hayakumo Takanobu, Shiomi Hideyuki. 【とことん知りたいERCPの手技のコツ もう迷わない!後方斜視鏡の挿入から、乳頭の観察、深部挿管まで】 内視鏡挿入法 スコープの太さによって挿入しやすさの違いはありますか?(JF、TJFについて). 消化器内視鏡レクチャー. 2013. 1. 3号. 394-401
Books (1):
第4版わかりやすい内科学 / 第6章[III]3.胆道ジスキネジー
文光堂 2014
Lectures and oral presentations (59):
(第25回臨床内分泌代謝Update 2015)
(第95回日本消化器内視鏡学会近畿支部例会 2015)
(日本消化器内視鏡学会近畿支部第95回支部例会 2015)
Novel pig model of bile and pancreatic duct dilatation for EUS training
(UEGW2015 2015)
DLC(Uneven Double Lumen Cannula)を用いた胆管挿管法(DLC法)の実際とコツ
(JDDW2015 第90回日本内視鏡学会総会 2015)
Education (1):
- 1988 Osaka Medical College Faculty of Medicine Division of Medicine
Professional career (1):
博士(医学) (大阪医科大学)
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