Research field (1):
Ecology and environmental science
Research keywords (2):
, 行動
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
2020 - 2023 モンシデムシをモデル生物とした両親による子の保護の進化要因の解明
2017 - 2020 Evolutionary process of provisioning control in Nicrophorus quadripunctatus
2012 - 2015 Analysis of intrafamilial conflict of the provisioning in the burying beetle family
2009 - 2011 Adaptive significance of biparental care in burying beetle
2003 - 2005 近縁種との比較を通したモンシデムシ亜科の育児行動の進化の解析
Papers (32):
Takuma Niida, Izumi Yao, Tomoyosi Nisimura, Seizi Suzuki. Detection of extra-pair maternity in a carrion beetle under natural conditions. Ecological Entomology. 2024
Suzuki Seizi, Asano Ryota. Note on egg sac attendance behavior of Trichonephila clavata (Araneae: Nephilidae): The possibility of maternal care. Japanese Journal of Entomology (New Series). 2022. 25. 2. 60-62
Seizi Suzuki. Biparental negotiation or larval begging? Determinant of male provisioning in a burying beetle (Nicrophorus quadripunctatus). BEHAVIOUR. 2020. 157. 8-9. 719-729