J-GLOBAL ID:201301028076615414
Update date: May. 23, 2020
ナカヤマ カエ | KAE NAKAYAMA
Papers (5):
Masayo Matsuzaki, Megumi Haruna, Kae Nakayama, Mie Shiraishi, Erika Ota, Ryoko Murayama, Sachiyo Murashima, SeonAe Yeo. Adapting the Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire for Japanese Pregnant Women. JOGNN-JOURNAL OF OBSTETRIC GYNECOLOGIC AND NEONATAL NURSING. 2014. 43. 1. 107-116
Megumi Haruna, SeonAe Yeo, Etsuko Watanabe, Masayo Matsuzaki, Erika Ota, Kae Nakayama, Sachiyo Murashima. Perceptions of women and health-care providers in Tokyo of appropriate weight gain during pregnancy. NURSING & HEALTH SCIENCES. 2010. 12. 1. 21-26
Kae Nakayama, Megumi Haruna, Masayo Matsuzaki, Kyouichi Sekine, Sachiyo Murashima. Changes in 13, 14-dihydro-15-keto-prostaglandin F-2 alpha levels in saliva during pregnancy, labor and the postpartum period. JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY RESEARCH. 2010. 36. 1. 27-33
中山 香映. 新しいKnow-Howを学ぶ これからの出産準備教室--妊婦に寄り添う「参加型」クラスのすすめかた. ペリネイタル・ケア. 2005. 24. 2005夏季増刊. 3-293
島田三惠子, 中山香映, 嶋野仁美, 安達久美子, 舛森とも子, 中根直子, 赤山美智代, 村上睦子, 杉本充弘. 分娩時の努責が母児の健康に与える影響. 母性衛生. 2001. 42. 1. 68-73
Professional career (3):
学士(看護学) (浜松医科大学)
修士(保健学) (東京大学)
博士(保健学) (東京大学)
Work history (1):
Sophia University Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Nursing Assistant Professor
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