J-GLOBAL ID:201301039203191264
Update date: Jul. 28, 2024
Yonemura Kotaro
ヨネムラ コウタロウ | Yonemura Kotaro
Research field (1):
Legal theory and history
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
Papers (8):
YONEMURA Kotaro. Between Liberty and Perfection : Reconsideration of Liberal Perfectionism. Yokohama law review. 2018. 26. 3. 141 - 171
YONEMURA Kotaro. On the Variety and Possibility of Public Reason Liberalism. Yokohama law review. 2017. 26. 1. 95-124-124
Kotaro YONEMURA. Two Kinds of Paternalism and Neutrality. Law and Philosophy. 2017. 3. 32-46
YONEMURA Kotaro. The concept of Desert and Retributivism. 2016. 32-46-46
Kotaro YONEMURA. On the Asymmetry Problem of Desert. Yokohama Law Review. 2015. 24. 1. 197-220-220
MISC (5):
View From a Distance: Dialogue between A Different World. 2017
米村幸太郎. 学界展望:Jonathan Quong, Liberalism without Perfection. 国家学会雑誌. 2016. 129. 5・6. 602-4-604
Review: Fred Feldman, What Is This Thing Called Happiness?. 2012. 125. 9・10. 544-546-546
米村幸太郎. ムーアと福利--現代倫理学におけるムーアの意義--. 創文. 2009. 524. 19-22-22
Review: Ronald Dworkin, Justice in Robes. KOKKA GAKKAI ZASSI(The Journal of the Association of Political and Social Sciences). 2009. 122. 3・4. 290-292-594
Books (9):
Philosophers of Law Ask You More Questions
2024 ISBN:4589043408
勁草書房 2018
Utilitarianism Strikes Back (Japanese)
Nakanishiya 2017 ISBN:4779511895
Philosophers of Law Ask You(Japanese)
Houritsubunkasha 2016
ナカニシヤ出版 2015
Lectures and oral presentations (18):
Typhoon Control and Fairness of Risk-sharing
(IVR2024 2024)
(東京法哲学研究会 2024)
言うほどすれ違っているのか - 現代正義論と実定法学・法実務との関係
(日本法哲学会〈 統一テーマ報告 〉 2023)
(横浜法学会研究会 2022)
How Political Liberalists Treat Immigrants?
(The Workshop on Social Justice, Well-being and Liberalism 2018)
Education (1):
- The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Law and Politics
Work history (3):
- 2023/04 - 現在 Rikkyo University College of Law and Politics Department of Law Professor
- 2014/04 - 2023/03 Yokohama National University
- 2010/04 - 2014/03 Seikei University Faculty of Law
Awards (1):
- 2017/11/18 - 日本法哲学会 日本法哲学会奨励賞(論文部門) 「「功績Desert」概念と応報」
Association Membership(s) (1):
Japan Association of Legal Philosophy
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