Haruyoshi Tanaka. Asymptotic solution of Bowen equation for perturbed potentials on shift spaces with countable states. Journal of Fractal Geometry. 2023. 9. 3. 273-324
Haruyoshi Tanaka. Convergence of Gibbs measures of a perturbed system of graph iterated functions with degeneration. Far East Journal of Dynamical Systems. 2020. 32. 2. 105-138
Haruyoshi Tanaka. Perturbation analysis in thermodynamics using matrix representations of Ruelle operators and its application to graph IFS. Nonlinearity. 2019. 32. 2. 728-767
Tanaka, Haruyoshi. Asymptotic perturbation of graph iterated function systems. Journal of Fractal Geometry. 2016. 3. 119-161