J-GLOBAL ID:201301061930448656
Update date: Feb. 03, 2025
Kajimoto Tetsuya
カジモト テツヤ | Kajimoto Tetsuya
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (5):
Environmental and pharmaceutical development resources
, Pharmaceuticals - chemistry and drug development
, Biochemistry
, Synthetic organic chemistry
, Bioorganic chemistry
Research keywords (1):
Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Natural Product Chemistry, Carbohydrate Chemistry, Enzymatic Organic Synthesis
Research theme for competitive and other funds (16):
- 2014 - 2017 Study on the development of novel glycosylation reaction using hypervalent iodine
- 2008 - 2010 Development of Novel Glycosylation Reaction Using Odorless Benzenethiols
- 2005 - 2006 Design and synthesis of sugar nucleotide analogues as the inhibitors against glycosyltransferases
- 2001 - 2002 Synthesis of Peptide Mimetics of RNA that Regulate the Activity of Teromerase
- 2001 - 2001 チロシンキナーゼを分子標的とする新規抗癌剤の開発研究
- 1999 - 2000 ブタからの肝臓移植を可能にするセラミド系糖脂質素材の設計とその合成
- 1999 - 1999 アルツハイマー病の原因物質アミロイドβ蛋白の脳内沈着を阻害するGM1類似体の合成
- 1998 - 1999 Studies on the constitutes of Achyranthes fauriei having the 100 times higher activity on adhesion of PMNs to LPS-treated HUVECs than Sialyl Lewis X
- 1998 - 1998 アポトーシスを誘導するガングリオシドGD3類縁体の設計と合成
- 1997 - 1998 細菌内毒素マーカーKDO及びその類縁体のキヌレニン分解酵素を利用した合成
- 1997 - 1997 神経突起伸長作用を有するガングリオシドGQ1b類似体の設計と合成
- 1996 - 1996 ヘパリン/ヘパラン硫酸中のFGF結合ドメイン類似体の合成研究
- 1996 - 1996 糖鎖及び糖鎖複合体の解析・分子設計及び再構成
- 1995 - 1995 ホモ糖、ホモアザ糖およびこれらを構成ユニットとするC-グリコシドの合成
- 1994 - 1994 N-アセケルグルコサミニル転移酵素に対する阻害剤に関する研究
- 1993 - 1993 エステラーゼを利用したアミン化合物の光学分割に関する研究
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Papers (152):
Tetsuya Kajimoto, Tianqi Du, Tenchi Yoshitake, Kimiyoshi Kaneko, Hiroya Kobayashi, Yasuyuki Matsushima, Tsuyoshi Miura. Facile Preparation of L-Iduronic Acid and α-L-Iduronidation Using Methyl 1,2,3,4-Tetra-O-acetyl-α-L-iduronate as Glycosyl Donor. Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin. 2023. 71. 9. 724-729
Koji Morimoto, Kana Yanase, Tetsuya Kajimoto, Yasuyuki Kita. Metal-Free Synthesis of Acyl Glycosides and Application to Oligosaccharide Synthesis. Organic Letters. 2022
Tianqi Du, Kimiyoshi Kaneko, Yuki Sakai, Masato Tsunoi, Tenchi Yoshitake, Aki Kotera, Yasuyuki Matsushima, Tsuyoshi Miura, Tetsuya Kajimoto. A Facile α-Glucuronidation Using Methyl 1,2,3,4-Tetra-O-acetyl-D-glucuronate as Glycosyl Donor. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin. 2022. 70. 8. 589-593
Aya Niki, Minoru Ozeki, Akiko Kuse, Shiho Nakagawa, Shui Aoki, Takashi Shigeta, Tetsuya Kajimoto, Hiroki Iwasaki, Naoto Kojima, Kenji Arimitsu, et al. Construction of Acyclic All-Carbon Quaternary Stereocenter Based on Asymmetric Michael Addition of Chiral Amine. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin. 2021. 69. 9. 926-930
Tetsuya Kajimoto, Koji Morimoto, Kana Yanase, Tohru Kamitanaka. N-Glycosylation of Thio-glycoside Derived from Odorless Thiols Using Hypervalent Iodine(III) Reagent. HETEROCYCLES. 2021. 103. 2. 809-809
MISC (15):
山田剛司, 木村寛之, 有光健治, 梶本哲也, 菊地崇, 田中麗子. Study of Absolute Configuration of Cephalimysins Isolated from the Marine Fish-Derived Fungus. 天然有機化合物討論会講演要旨集(Web). 2018. 60th
有光健治, 木村寛之, 梶本哲也, 天野博夫, 三鴨睦, 小野正博, 向高弘, 間賀田康寛, 大桃善朗, 野出學, et al. 腫瘍特異的に発現する酵素GnT-Vを標的とした放射性イメージング剤の開発に向けた基礎的検討. 日本薬学会年会要旨集. 2012. 132nd. 4. 104
有光健治, 木村寛之, 梶本哲也, 野出學. GnT-Vを標的とした三糖誘導体の合成研究. 日本薬学会年会要旨集. 2010. 130th. 2. 97
Kobayashi Sae, Nishizaki Marina, Ozeki Minoru, Kajimoto Tetsuya, Node Manabu, Hasei Tomohiro, Totsuka Yukari, Kawanishi Masanobu, Yagi Takashi, Wakabayashi Keiji, et al. P-046 Genotoxicity of amino benzoazepinoquinolinone derivative formed by the Maillard reaction(Poster Presentation). 2010. 39. 115-115
Ozeki Minoru, Arimitsu Kenji, Ochi Syunsuke, Hayama Noboru, Iwasaki Hiroki, Hosoi Shinzo, Yamashita Masayuki, Node Manabu, Kajimoto Tetsuya. Construction of Multiple Contiguous Chiral Centers using Asymmetric Tandem Michael Addition of Chiral Amine. Proceedings of the Symposium on Progress in Organic Reactions and Syntheses. 2010. 36. 0. 106-106
Books (1):
Basic Glycosciences
Sankyo Shuppan Co. Ltd. 2008 ISBN:9784782705193
Lectures and oral presentations (10):
(第70回日本薬学会関西支部大会 2020)
(日本薬学会第139年会 2019)
(第44回反応と合成の進歩シンポジウム 2018)
(第21回ヨウ素学会シンポジウム 2018)
(第37回日本糖質学会年会 2018)
Education (3):
- - 1986 Graduate School of Kyoto University Pharmaceutical Sciences Pharmaceutical Sciences
- - 1984 Graduate School of Kyoto University Pharmaceutical Sciences Pharmaceutical Sciences
- - 1982 Tokushima University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Professional career (1):
Work history (8):
- 2009/10/01 - 2012/03/31 Osaka University of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Visiting professor
- 2008/01/01 - 2009/03/31 Suzuka University of Medical Science, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor
- 2004/04/01 - 2007/12/31 Kyoto Pharmaceutical University, Associate professor
- 1999/09/01 - 2003/12/31 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Department of Biotechnology, Associate professor
- 1996/04/01 - 1999/08/31 Showa University, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate professor
- 1991/10/01 - 1996/03/31 The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Frontier Research System, Frontier Researcher
- 1990/01/01 - 1991/09/30 Scripps Clinic, Department of Chemistry, Postdoctoral fellow
- 1987/06/01 - 1991/06/30 Kumamoto University, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Assistant professor
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Committee career (4):
- 2004/04 - 2006/03 National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Visiting Researcher
- 2004/04 - 2006/03 文部科学省・科学技術政策研究所 客員研究官
- 2004/06 - The Japanese Society of Carbohydrate Research Councilor
- 2004/06 - 日本糖質学会 評議員
Awards (3):
- 2009/02 - 大阪市医学会長賞、大阪市医学市長賞
- 2000/05 - アメリカ大統領グリーンケミストリー賞
- 1999/03 - 日本薬学会 奨励賞 アルドラーゼを利用した糖鎖関連化合物の合成
Association Membership(s) (3):
Japanese Society of Carbohydrate Research
, Japanese Society of Chemistry
, Japanese Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences
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