Research field (3):
Electrical power engineering
, Electrical power engineering
, Electrical power engineering
Research keywords (4):
Smart Grid
, Battery
, Energy Storage
, Smart Grid
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2021 - 2023 EVアグリゲータの当日計画作成における計算時間短縮手法の研究
Papers (13):
A Study of Valley-filling Approach by V2G Planning to Reduce Renewable Energy Curtailment. IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy. 2022. 142. 2. 59-66
A Study of Potential Profit of EV Aggregator Business in Japan. IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy. 2021. 141. 10. 620-628
A V2G Strategy to Increase the Cost-benefit of Primary Frequency Regulation Considering EV Battery Degradation. 2020. 140. 1
Profitability of Electric Power Producers in Japanese Regulation Market Based on Statistical Analysis of Spanish Secondary Regulation Market Price. IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy. 2019. 139. 12