J-GLOBAL ID:201301095343204304
Update date: Aug. 27, 2022
Mayumi Tamura
タムラ マユミ | Mayumi Tamura
Papers (7):
TAMURA MAYUMI. The Operatic Elements in The Tempest : The Power of Spectacle. Sophia. 2014. 61. 3. 208-222
TAMURA MAYUMI. Shakespeare in the Curriculum : The Teaching Methods of Shakespeare and Politics. Soundings. 2013. 39. 113-121
TAMURA MAYUMI. The Revival of Fighting Queen Elizabeth : Performance and Representation concerning the Bohemian Accession of Elizabeth Stuart. Soundings. 2011. 37. 27-38
Tamura Mayumi. The relationship between politics and theatre in the wedding revels of the palatine marriage. Lingua. 2007. 18. 113-131
TAMURA MAYUMI. The Triple Failures of the Court Revels in Love's Labour's Lost. Soundings. 2003. 29
Lectures and oral presentations (8):
(サウンディングズ英語英米文学会第65回研究発表会 2013)
(日本シェイクスピア学会第50回研究発表会 2011)
(サウンディングズ英語英米文学会第63回研究発表会 2011)
A Second Queen Elizabeth: The Gunpowder Plot and the Representations of Elizabeth Stuart
(サウンディングズ英語英米文学会第55回研究発表会 2007)
Professional career (3):
- 文学学士 (上智大学)
- 文学修士 (上智大学)
- 文学修士 (バーミンガム大学)
Work history (1):
- Sophia University Center for Language Education and Research Lecturer
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