J-GLOBAL ID:201302206686240527   Reference number:13A0325212

霊長類野外研究の現在 同所的に生息するゴリラとチンパンジーの種間関係を探る

Author (1):
Volume: 64  Issue:Page: 85-94  Publication year: Feb. 01, 2013 
JST Material Number: G0183A  ISSN: 0045-2033  CODEN: SBTKA  Document type: Article
Article type: 解説  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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On J-GLOBAL, this item will be available after more than half a year after the record posted. In addtion, medical articles require to login to MyJ-GLOBAL.

JST classification (1):
JST classification
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Biological sciences in general 
Reference (45):
  • Blom, A. et al. 2001 Afr. J. Ecol. 39 : 98-105.
  • Brugiere, D. & Sakom D. 2001 J. Zool. 255 : 251-259.
  • Brugiere, D. et al. 2005 Biodivers. Conserv. 14 : 505-522
  • Butynski, T. M. 2001 In Great Apes and Humans. (Beck B. B. et al. eds. ), pp. 3-56. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC.
  • Caldecott, J. & Miles, L. (eds. ) 2005 World Atlas of Great Apes and their Conservation. Univ. of California Press, Cambridge.

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