J-GLOBAL ID:201302243513578967   Reference number:13A0366265

Maternal effects and ecological divergence in aquatic plants: a case study in natural reciprocal hybrids between Potamogeton perfoliatus and P. wrightii

水生植物における母性効果および生態学的多様性 Potamogeton perfoliatusとP.wrightiiとの間の自然正逆雑種の事例研究
Author (3):
Volume: 28  Issue:Page: 3-11  Publication year: Jan. 2013 
JST Material Number: W1362A  ISSN: 0913-557X  Document type: Article
Article type: 文献レビュー  Country of issue: Australia (AUS)  Language: ENGLISH (EN)
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Plant ecology  ,  Reproduction 
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