J-GLOBAL ID:201302246823189170   Reference number:13A0017123

Infantile juvenile xanthogranuloma of the chest wall mimicking mesenchymal hamartoma: report of a case

Author (12):
Volume: 28  Issue: 11  Page: 1137-1140  Publication year: Nov. 2012 
JST Material Number: W1893A  ISSN: 0179-0358  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Germany, Federal Republic of (DEU)  Language: ENGLISH (EN)
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Clinical hematology in general  ,  Pediatrics in general.  ,  Clinical dermatology in general 
Reference (17):
  • Groom KR, Murphey MD, Howard LM, Lonergan GJ, Rosado-De-Christenson ML, Torop AH (2002) Mesenchymal hamartoma of the chest wall: radiologic manifestations with emphasis on cross-sectional imaging and histopathologic comparison. Radiology 222: 205-211
  • Yeshvanth SK, Shivamurthy V, Patil C, Rai S, Lakshminarayana KPH, Makannavar JH (2011) Mesenchymal hamartoma of the chest wall-mimicker of malignancy. J Can Res Ther 7: 496-498
  • Mathur SR, Gupta R, Seith A, Agarwala S, Subramanian S, Gupta SD (2010) Aspiration cytology of mesenchymal hamartoma of the chest wall in an infant: a case report. Acta Cytol 54: 63-65
  • Dehner LP (2003) Juvenile xanthogranulomas in the first two decades of life: a clinicopathologic study of 174 cases with cutaneous and extracutaneous manifestations. Am J Surg Pathol 27: 579-593
  • Fan R, Sun J (2011) Neonatal systemic juvenile xanthogranuloma with an ominous presentation and successful treatment. Clin Med Insights 5: 157-161

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