J-GLOBAL ID:201302275559672010   Reference number:13A1504183


Author (15):
Volume:Issue:Page: 52-56  Publication year: Aug. 31, 2013 
JST Material Number: L6528A  ISSN: 1345-9910  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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JST classification (1):
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Oral hygiene 
Reference (12):
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  • 2)EdgarW,DawesC,0'MullaneDeditors:Salivaand Ora1 Health, 3rd ed, British Dental Association,London, 2004, 1-101.
  • 3)DawesC:Salivaryflowpatternsandthehealthofhardandsoftoraltissues,JAmDentAssoc,2008;139Suppl:18S-24S.
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  • 5) Siqueira WL, Dawes C : The salivary proteome :challenges and perspectives, Proteomics Clin Appl,2011;5:575-579.

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