J-GLOBAL ID:201303081627954210


Applicant, Patent owner:
Agent (1): 特許業務法人原謙三国際特許事務所
Gazette classification:特許公報
Application number (International application number):2007187324
Publication number (International publication number):2009022186
Patent number:5187883
Application date: Jul. 18, 2007
Publication date: Feb. 05, 2009
Claim (excerpt):
【請求項1】 配列番号1に示されるアミノ酸配列からなる、ペプチド。
IPC (9):
C12N 15/09 ( 200 6.01) ,  C07K 7/06 ( 200 6.01) ,  A61K 39/145 ( 200 6.01) ,  A61P 31/16 ( 200 6.01) ,  C12P 21/02 ( 200 6.01) ,  C07K 16/10 ( 200 6.01) ,  A61K 39/395 ( 200 6.01) ,  G01N 33/569 ( 200 6.01) ,  C07K 14/11 ( 200 6.01)
FI (9):
C12N 15/00 ZNA A ,  C07K 7/06 ,  A61K 39/145 ,  A61P 31/16 ,  C12P 21/02 C ,  C07K 16/10 ,  A61K 39/395 S ,  G01N 33/569 L ,  C07K 14/11
Patent cited by the Patent:
Cited by applicant (3) Cited by examiner (3)
Article cited by the Patent:
Cited by applicant (5)
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Cited by examiner (7)
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