M. Sonu, H. Kato, K. Tajima, T. Arai. The bias toward geminate consonant perception in Japanese by Korean native listeners -In relation to perceptual assimilation of tense obstruent consonants in Korean--. Proc. Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn. 2017. 1401-1404
Promoting Learner Autonomy by using Internet-based Japanese Pronunciation Learning Modules : Example applications of Praat, OJAD, and Tsutaeru-Hatsuon. 2020. 14. 25-33
How Can "Role Language" and "Speech Character" be Translated from Japanese? : A Consideration of Foreign Subtitles for the Anime Film Your Name. 2020. 14. 3-14
Using a shadowing application in Japanese pronunciation training : An analysis of the outcomes of shadowing among Japanese L2 learners. 2019. 13. 13-25
SONU Mee. Shadowing as a means for Learners to Improve Pronunciation in Japanese. The journal of Japanese Language Education Methods. 2018. 24. 2. 44-45
Effect of speaking rate variation on the perception of singleton and geminate consonants in Japanese by native and Korean listeners
(Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 2013)
Vowel onset marker objective evaluation of Japanese phonemic length contrast produced by non-native speakers
(Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 2013)