J-GLOBAL ID:201401083120476220
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
SUH, Jae-Jung
ソ, ジェジョン | SUH, Jae-Jung
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (3):
, History - Asia/Africa
, International relations
Research keywords (2):
International Relations of the Asia-Pacific
, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific
Papers (23):
March First as a Longue Durée Revolution in Korea: To Adapt to and Overcome Modernity. The Asia Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, Special Issue. 2021. 19. 21
From Singapore to Hanoi and Beyond: How (Not) to Build Peace between the U.S. and North Korea. The Asia Pacific Journal. 2019. 17. 10
Transnational ‘Comfort Women’ Discourse: A History of Silence and Socialization over National Boundaries. 2018. 1. 3
トランプ政權の國家安保戰略と米朝交渉--現実主義的国際主義と新重商主義の妥協がもらたす危機と「革命」的機会. 現代思想. 2018. 46. 12. 31-37
Missile Defense and the Security Dilemma: THAAD, Japan’s ‘Proactive Peace,’ and the Arms Race in Northeast Asia. The Asia Pacific Journal. 2017. 15. 9
MISC (11):
Harumi Kobayashi. Food Security or Food Sovereignty? Agricultural Technology Reforms after the Famine in North Korea. Pacific Affairs. 2023. 96. 4
Varieties of International Reconciliation: The Configuration of Interest and Reflection after Conflict. International Relations. 2022. 36. 3
“Korea’s Modern History Wars: March 1st 1919 and the Double Project of Modernity”. The Asia Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 2021. 19. 21
U.S. Global Strategy and U.S. Military in the ‘Post-Cold War’ Age: Indo-Pacific Strategy. Hwanghae munwha. 2020. 107
Trump Administration's National Security Strategy: Between Realist Internationalism and Neo-mercantilism. 2018. 136
Books (9):
침몰한 세월호, 난파하는 대한민국: 압축적 근대화와 복합적 리스크
한울 2017
Challenges of Modernization and Governance in South Korea: The Sinking of the Sewol and Its Causes
Palgrave Macmillan 2017
Aid to Build Governance in a Fragile State: Foreign Assistance to a Post-Conflict South Korea
Ashgate 2014
Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Palgrave Macmillan 2013
Origins of North Korea’s Juche: Colonialism, War, and Development
Lexington Books 2012
Lectures and oral presentations (80):
War & War Politics in Korea & East Asia
(HASS/Asian Studies Lecture Series 2023)
Triple Divisions Structure in East Asia and Civil Society
(Korean Peninsula's Future Strategy and the National Assembly 2023)
Silencing Colonialism: Power and the Production of the ‘Postwar’ History
(Symposium on Today's Challenges: Transitions in South Korea-US Relations, Koreans in the US, and Black-Korean Ties 2023)
Diatribes and Dialogues over the Past: “History Problems” and Regional Orders in Northeast Asia
(Harvard Yenching Institute Visiting Scholar Talks 2022)
Diatribes and Dialogues over the Past: ‘History Problems’ and Regional Orders in Northeast Asia
(Visiting Scholars Talk 2022)
Professional career (2):
- Ph.D. in Political Science (University of Pennsylvania)
- M.A. in Political Science (University of Pennsylvania)
Work history (6):
Awards (1):
- 2010 - National Academy of Sciences excellent academic book
Association Membership(s) (3):
International Studies Association
, Asian Studies Conference Japan
, Asian Studies Association
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