J-GLOBAL ID:201402227073125126   Reference number:14A0304756


Author (13):
Volume:Issue:Page: 39-48  Publication year: Feb. 20, 2014 
JST Material Number: L7982A  ISSN: 2185-6427  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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JST classification (2):
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Biological function  ,  Digestive system in general 
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Reference (30):
  • 1) 郡大裕:「下痢・便秘診療のコツと落とし穴」,中山書店,東京,p. 114 (2005).
  • 2) 厚生労働省:「平成22 年国民生活基礎調査の概況」,大臣官房統計情報部社会統計課国民生活基礎調査室,p. 42 (2011).
  • 3) K. Murakami, H. Okubo and S. Sasaki: Dietary intake in relation to self-reported constipation among Japanese women aged 18-20 years. Eur. J. Clin. Nutr., 60, 650-657 (2006).
  • 4) E.S. Jr. Bonapace and R.S. Fisher: Constipation and diarrhea in pregnancy. Gastroenterol. Clin. North Am., 27, 197-211 (1998).
  • 5) 坂元一久:妊婦の便秘.助産婦雑誌,43, 38-41 (1989).
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